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Bible scripture, Bible verse and Prayer

Hello greetings everyone!🤩

Today's Scripture

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.

1 Peter 4:10, NIV

Release the Gifts

Arkeemia, God has placed gifts and talents inside each of us for the purpose of serving others. Too often we have gifts lying dormant because we’re not taking time to develop them. We’re not being disciplined to study, to grow, to get better. We have talent that’s underutilized because we’re comfortable. We don’t want to stretch and do something out of our routine. We think, “I’m doing good enough.” But good enough is not your destiny. Sometimes we’re stuck because we’re intimidated. We let thoughts of fear and doubt talk us out of it. “You can’t take that management position. You can’t teach that Bible study. You haven’t trained your voice so you can’t join the worship team.” All the “what if” thoughts come. “What if you try and fail? What if you get up there and you’re embarrassed?” But what if you get up there and you succeed, go to a new level, or set a new standard for your family? Don’t let fear keep you from your destiny. Start stretching and taking steps of faith to release the gifts that God has put in you.

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You for what You have called me to do and for the gifts and talents You have given me to fulfill my destiny. Thank You for the privilege of serving others and making the most of what You’ve given me. I declare that I will not let fear hold me back from releasing my gifts. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Have a blessed and awesome day!✝️🦋🥰🙏🏾

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