Allow yourself to stop making people feel bad about what they do or don’t do, how they include you or if they even want to include you… Genuine gestures come through positive people. I thought I needed validation but I don’t… I do not like sympathy, all I ask for is compassion but if you don’t have it to give save you and I both some fake and phony laughs, hugs and unnecessary bonding. Treat people fairly at all times and move on so that way when you treat people the way you want to be treated which is the correct way so when a conversation comes up, a status is posted or questions asked you don’t have to feel bad if someone is criticizing a situation that you know about or involved in.🦋✝️🥰🙏🏾 Arkeemia Williams Uniquely Made🦋💃🏾
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I love your thought-provoking post which advocates for personal authenticity and emotional independence. I like how you encourage readers to let go of the need for external validation and avoid the tendency to make others feel guilty. I get it, let’s agree to keep it real by sharing genuine interactions, compassion, and fair treatment of others, thereby clearly rejecting fake gestures. I agree we should all strive to value sincere connections and treat others with respect which can help us 😎maintain a clear conscience in social situations. If I had to give this blog a Title, I would title it AUTHENTICITY.